Grims World Blog
February 16, 2025 @
He that would govern others, first should be the master of himself.
Functional Calendar
Functional Calendar

This is a grand achievement that I have been working on for several weeks now. My calendar is now a fully functioning linkable event calendar. Events being the blog posts. One more nice feature added to this wonderful blog software. The image is the result of clicking the Prev link in the calendar to show the previous month where most of my posts are. I thought it might be helpful to show the ongoing developement of this blog system. Congrats to the creator of phpBlog which has turned out to be very easy to modify and add to!

Author: Grimloch
07/02/2023, 08:33
Category: Site News
Comments: 4
Views: 780


Comments (4)
Andrew Guest

07/02/2023, 10:08

I am not surprised that you figured this my experience you keep plugging away at something until you finally reach your goal. Congratulations on adding this new enhancement.

Terry Editor

07/06/2023, 06:34

It wasn't easy. It took a lot of trial and error iterations until I finally got a handle on how to make it work right. After all this was a very successful and popular module that I developed for a framework based CMS, PHP-Fusion. I am very pleased with the results.

Stephen Guest

07/12/2023, 19:32

Good job Grim! Grand wizard! - I am not a robot

Grimloch Administrator

07/23/2023, 10:22

Well after a few more weeks of work I have been unable to get my calendar to show more than one post for a given day so I have decided to give up on that idea at least for now. When there are two posts on the same day it only shows the last post entered into the database.

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