Grims World Blog
February 16, 2025 @
I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship.
Ominous Portents
Ominous Portents

The news reports about the ever escalating conflicts in the Middle East are staggeringly frightening! The land of Israel is surrounded by enemies that are bent on the total destruction of the land of Israel and its people. Even if you don't believe in the biblical prophesys about the Israeli people, you have to admit that the current state of affairs is having and will have global impact on us all. I don't promote religion which is man made, but I do promote the Word of God and biblical prophesy. All you have to do is open your eyes to see the implications of the ongoing conflicts. Russia and China are main players in this real life game of Thrones and I fear that we will be drawn into the midst of the carnage even more than we already are. There is no single solution here.

Author: Grimloch
05/29/2023, 12:18
Category: World News
Comments: 2
Views: 276


Comments (2)
Terry Editor

06/09/2023, 17:33

Those are not the only countries involved in this real life Game of Thrones. There's also Iran and N. Korea. Everywhere you look in the news they're saying we are closer to nuclear destruction than ever before. Plenty of reasons to be scared out of our wits about this. I know I am !!!

Shannon Editor

06/25/2023, 10:14

I worry about this almost daily. I try to put it out of my mind, so I'm not dwelling on it, but, in the quiet moments, it creeps back in. It is so scary to think that we are at a point where so many have the means to destroy life for the rest of us. Instead of war, and fighting, we should be trying to find common ground, finding ways to agree to get rid of all of these nuclear weapons.

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