Grims World Blog
February 07, 2025 @
Accuracy is to a newspaper what virtue is to a lady, but a newspaper can always print a retraction.
Vlad the Impaler
Vlad the Impaler


The Man Behind the Legend


Vlad III, commonly known as Vlad the Impaler, was a 15th-century ruler of Wallachia, a region in present-day Romania. Born in 1431, he was a member of the House of Dracule`ti, a branch of the House of Basarab. Vlad's reign was marked by his brutal and controversial methods of ruling, which have inspired numerous legends and myths, including the character of Count Dracula in Bram Stoker's famous novel.

Early Life

Vlad III was born in Sighi`oara, Transylvania, to Vlad II Dracul, a member of the Order of the Dragon. His early life was marked by political instability and conflict, as his father sought to maintain control over Wallachia amidst the competing interests of the Ottoman Empire and Hungary.

Reign and Methods

Vlad III's reign was characterized by his strict and very brutal enforcement of law and order. He earned the nickname "the Impaler" due to his preferred method of execution: impaling his enemies on long, sharp wooden stakes. This gruesome method served as both a punishment and a warning to others.

His rule was marked by a fierce resistance to the Ottoman Empire, engaging in guerrilla warfare and successfully repelling invasions. His tactics were ruthless, and he was known to employ psychological warfare, such as leaving impaled victims along the roads to demoralize the enemy.

Legacy and Influence

Vlad the Impaler's legacy is complex and multifaceted. While his methods were undoubtedly cruel, some historians argue that his strong leadership was necessary to maintain stability in a tumultuous region. Others view him as a tyrant whose actions were inexcusable.

His life and reign have inspired numerous works of literature, art, and film, most notably the character of Count Dracula. The connection between Vlad and the fictional vampire is largely symbolic, drawing on the themes of blood, death, and terror that permeate both Vlad's historical actions and the vampire mythos.


Vlad the Impaler remains a fascinating and enigmatic figure in history. His reign, marked by brutality and strategic brilliance, continues to captivate historians and the general public alike. Whether viewed as a necessary ruler in a time of chaos or a bloodthirsty tyrant, Vlad's impact on Romanian history and world literature is undeniable.

Now, a scientific examination of his letters that have survived, is giving new insights into his health. Researchers now reporting in Analytical Chemistry, say the results suggest that Vlad probably had skin and respiratory conditions and could have even cried literal tears of blood.

Author: Terry
08/17/2023, 09:41
Category: General
Comments: 2
Views: 310


Comments (2)
Fred Editor

08/17/2023, 10:23

I guess that back in those days there wasn't anything that was politically correct. Even though he had to ensure that his dynasty would last, that is a rough way to mete out justice.

Jason Guest

08/20/2023, 06:10

What a horrible legacy in my opinion. It's utterly fascinating to me how some legends
get started and then get propagated throughout history. With each propagation the
story gets changed a little bit until it's nothing like the original premise.

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