Grims World Blog
February 16, 2025 @
The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after.
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in World News
It is a very scary time in the world. I pray every evening for our country to find its way. I hope that people realize what a nuclear war would do to everyone on earth. I fear that it has been so long since anyone has seen anything like that, they think of it more as a "story" and don't realize the danger.
in General
I learned the hard way that you shouldn't feed your cat any human food. I used to share some of my lunch meat with my cat until she ended up with some form of digestive issues that caused her to be kept overnight at a vet and came close to dying. Not only was that event financially harsh, but the idea that she might have died from it cured me of the sharing of meat. Now she only eats cat food and will always only eat cat food.
in World News
I would like to think that sanity will prevail, that not everyone is determined to end civilization as we know it. On the other hand, there are all manner of "things" happening all over the world that make you wonder. America is not safe from the craziness either considering what has been going on here the past decade or so.
in Music
I'm old enough to remember the '60's and on up and from my perspective, today's music is not "pop music", at least not compared to pop music of the 60's. Maybe that is just an old person's take on this though.
in General
There are scams everywhere, it seems that people are investing more time in developing scams than in anything that will actually help someone. Everyone is out just to get the bucks and the old saying of "buyer be ware" definitely applies in a lot of places.
in General
I did finally, find one that works, if you're still looking. I got 3 real big ones off of my neck so I could wear necklaces while on the cruise. It is Dr. Scholl's Freeze Away Skin Tag Remover. As indicated in the name, it freezes them at the root. It takes a couple of weeks for them to fall off, but it does work. Hope this is helpful to you!! Love you!
in Science
I have believed this for a very long time.
in World News
I worry about this almost daily. I try to put it out of my mind, so I'm not dwelling on it, but, in the quiet moments, it creeps back in. It is so scary to think that we are at a point where so many have the means to destroy life for the rest of us. Instead of war, and fighting, we should be trying to find common ground, finding ways to agree to get rid of all of these nuclear weapons.
in General
I know she is watching over you, rooting for you, possibly even pulling a prank or two on you from time to time. We all miss her so much, every single day. I have had loss in my life, but this is in the top 2 hardest. I start to call her, or message her....I open the Blizzard launcher looking for her. I see her in dragonflies, or cardinals that play in my yard. You are not alone in your grief. You are always loved. Come up, see her in your grands and great grands!! Love you, Terry!!
in Site News
Absolutely my friend; we have done a spectacular job of adding features and enhancing others in this blog system. Thanks to the creator it is very easy to modify and add to.

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