Grims World Blog
November 07, 2024 @
Sometimes in our confusion, we see not the world as it is, but the world though eyes blurred by the mind.
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That's the main reason I love my Thunderbird email client. If an email looks suspicious I can simply highlight it, click View at the top, scroll down and click View Message Source. Then I can see all of the headers, the servers it went through and all the details without ever opening it.
in Technology on
While I don't have Thunderbird, I also usually check my email on my computer. This time I was on my cell phone and as I always say, using the cell phone sometimes won't show you everything you need to see. Rest assured that I won't do that again.
in Technology on
I as you both know, I love computers and have been in bed with them for a very long time now and understand them quite well. But I swear I truly hate the automated self-check out lanes; especially the obnoxious female computerized voice that talks too damn much. Standing in a long line to check out is OK with me but it really irritates me when there are no checkers and you're forced to use the self-check out lanes. The onward march of technology sometimes sucks.
in Music on
I will stand in line as well (especially if I'm buying wine), but they have cut down on the cashiers so that unless you are willing to stand in long lines, the self check out line looks much more inviting. At least that is the way it is in my grocery store.
in Music on
Fred, funneling is the correct word. Lately it's been like peer pressure from my grocery provider. They will literally have an employee heard you that way and offer to "help you check out" and then as soon as you get started they heard someone else in. I am one of the few that will still stand in line anymore.
in Music on
I have to agree with Stephen...AI will eventually take many jobs away from people. My son is a writer for television and he knows full well why the screenwriters are on strike. It seems that jobs may become a thing of the past as computers and automation take over some of the everyday tasks. As an example, have you noticed that more and more stores are funneling the customers into their self check out lines?
in Music on
I appreciate the good of integration. I'm worried just like with any AI, jobs will be lost. Kind of like with the screenwriters guild right now it will become all consuming and take the place of whole sections of documented human creativity.
in Music on
I agree with so much of this. The only part I don't agree with is the timeline. I feel like there is some sort of multiplication force that needs to be in effect to amplify knowledge thru discoveries of discoveries. Basically we only learn more faster the more we learn. I think it will be way sooner than later. That is just my belief tho. Very well topic. Thank you
in Technology on
You're right Shannon; every day everything reminds me of her. A part of my soul was torn
away and it hurts so bad! When I'm driving I can sense her in the seat next to me and she's
still scolding me about my driving. I sense her in the plants on our patio that I continue to
water; everytime I leave the house I worry still about leaving her alone there. It's going to
take a long time to get past her loss.
in General on
And here I thought that the human race was going to be eliminated through a nuclear holocaust or cosmic appears that humans themselves will eliminate the human race by turning everything over to a machine.
in Technology on

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