IT'S A LIE !!! I am 73 years old and you would think having been around so long that I would be privy to web scams and downright hype on the web. Well I'm here to tell you that this product that you see advertised in the Edge browser is ...
I thought I would update everyone on the enhancements/improvements that have been made to this site. Let me state that this is one of the better blogging systems out there and I am very happy with it. There are some areas however, that needed ...
So many memories. As I sit in front of my computer screen writing this post at 2:52am Tuesday morning, I am flooded with memories of my past. I'm not good at writing but it's high time I tried rather than posting things that someone else did ...
Date: May 31, 2023 Source: Washington State University Even without nerves, plants can sense when something touches them and when it lets go, a Washington State University-led study has found. In a set of experiments, individual plant cells ...
Scientists are working on bringing a tractor beam from science fiction to reality. The researchers are planning to use beams of electrons to create opposite charges and attract object to the beam for manipulation. The goal is to find a safe ...
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope launched at 7:20 a.m. EST Saturday on an Ariane 5 rocket from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana, South America. A joint effort with ESA (European Space Agency) and the Canadian Space Agency, the Webb ...
One hundred ten years ago in 1909, a large house was constructed in St Petersburg, Florida. But it was not a typical home that needed repairing. From the time it was built, the house never had repairs and nothing had to be replaced. The locals ...
Artificial vision systems find a wide range of applications, including self-driving cars, object detection, crop monitoring, and smart cameras. Such vision is often inspired by the vision of biological organisms. For instance, human and insect ...
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09/18/2023, 07:46 Comments: 2 Views: 4189
06/13/2023, 03:09 Comments: 8 Views: 933
07/02/2023, 08:33 Comments: 4 Views: 780
06/09/2023, 11:39 Comments: 6 Views: 750
06/25/2023, 06:16 Comments: 3 Views: 691
06/27/2023, 07:33 Comments: 3 Views: 684
on Animal Communication 07/16/2024, 09:21
on Planetary Boundary Study 10/09/2023, 01:12
on Planetary Boundary Study 10/08/2023, 19:53
on Cashless Transactions 09/24/2023, 10:31
on Dr. Steven Greers Disclosure Project 09/24/2023, 10:29
on Dr. Steven Greers Disclosure Project 09/23/2023, 20:29